Essembly Post

1.Theme of the design is "Natural World"
2. Idea of the design was came from "tree" because usually people used word of tree is link, hub or connection.
3. Overall the design is teaching to people how to GO GREEN and get closer with natural.
4. Design of the 1st floor and 2nd floor is connected because the design of the 1st floor of the company is "trunk of the tree", meanwhile the 2nd floor is "The Leaves".
5.Ceiling, You can see the half circle shape on the ceiling and it painted with white and green, the white color here is refers to cloud and green color is reflected from the nature color of earth.
6. Color of the Wall, the wall is painted with white color. white color here is refer to wider. so the concept here means of this business is growth more wider and well known all over around the world.
7. The wall decoration" I put the lighting which cover with the pattern of the leaves, so it looks sparkle. The concept here is mean of joyful. People come here is enjoy and relax.
I also put a material of metal behind on it. The metal here is refers to Stronger. "the word of stronger here is mean of bold to speak and literature.
8. Accessories;
I play so many colorful on the big bangs. The concept here is refer to "There is no discrimination between human races" It also can refers to UNIVERSAL.
Color of the chair"I use green and yellow. Green means of nature and yellow means of reflection of sunlight.

Project Essembly
Client: Mr. Paul

Currently stay in Batam
Contact Person: +62 856 6812 7899/ +62 819 9114 5351
BBM: 20C4E22B / 2265492B
Director of Scolberg.Pte.Ltd and Branch Director Project at PT. Golden Puri Batam


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